We believe in a world where society rediscovers what it means to be a part of nature, and to overcome the narrowness between development and clean production.
In MIMASOFT we embrace diversity. Sustainability is diversity. It is opening our minds, overcoming the Earth´s finite limits and rebuilding the future by adding the social, environmental and cultural reality.
Innovation is the engine and opportunity to integrate ourselves into the world we belong to and address the challenge of making the world better than the one we have received.
Mission and team
We are an interdisciplinary and inclusive team where technology is at the service of life and environmental preservation. We believe that digital transformation allows us to improve the management of environmental impacts of the business’ and companies’ activities. We work every day motivated by this motivation of change.
More than five years ago, we started with MIMASOFT´s first software, a pioneer in the measurement of environmental impacts based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Chile.
Vanessa Venegas Álvarez
Operations Manager
- Carbon footprint implementation
- Preparation of projects submitted to the SEIA
- Legal and environmental audits
Dr. Joshua S. Fu
Senior Consultant
- Complex Environmental and Climatic Models
- International Services and Projects
- Innovation and Development of Sustainability Technologies
Carla Bravo Zambrano
IT Manager
- IT Project Management
- Data Processing and Analysis
- Development for Statistical Analysis
Fernanda Cifuentes Jure
Sustainability Enginner
- Carbon footprint implementation
- Preparation of projects submitted to the SEIA
- Legal and environmental audits
Angel Rubilar Bernal
Programmer Analyst
- Fullstack Web Development
- Software architecture.
- Server performance monitoring
Nicolás Aillapán San Martín
Programmer Analyst
- Fullstack Web Development
- Integral Software Solutions.
- Development of Modern Software Architecture
We implement the Life Cycle Thinking method in all our projects because we understand that the environmental impacts are not just a snapshot of a moment but must be understood from ´the cradle to the grave´. The impact categories transcend only the carbon and water footprint.
To reduce the risks of implementation, we work based on the agile methodologies with early releases, collecting and evaluating the stages of each strategic goal’s achievement
Environmental policy
We declare our commitment to help preserve the environment by developing our activities, products and services in a sustainable manner, following the following principles:
- Comply with all applicable legislation and other commitments to which we voluntarily subscribe.
- Implement Management Systems that include programs that ensure our commitment to Continuous Improvement of environmental performance using pollution prevention as a tool.
- Promote the efficient use of our resources.
- Promover el uso eficiente de nuestros recursos.
- Evaluate the environmental impacts of our projects and investments.
- Periodically review environmental management, compliance with this policy and its adequacy over time, along with objectives, controls and periodic performance measurements.
- Involve our personnel in the implementation and maintenance of this Policy, ensuring that all levels receive adequate training to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities.
Quality policy
We have a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 standards, also we are constantly concerned in delivering a service of excellence and we are continuously in the process of Continuous Improvement, we care about Risk Prevention and Environment in order to meet the requirements of our customers. To comply with these principles, our commitment is:
- We will constantly train the members of our organization, with the objective of providing a First Quality service.
- We will obtain feedback from our customers through satisfaction surveys, in order to improve each point indicated.
- To fulfill and satisfy with responsibility the requirements and expectations of our clients, in Quality of Service and within the defined deadlines.
- Maintain a pleasant work environment, encouraging and highlighting the respect and good treatment of our employees.
- Maintain effective communication channels at all levels of the organization, both internally and with our customers